Thursday, August 6, 2009

The 10th and the 11th of July

Friday the 10th (one day before the leadership training workshop) that was when I was told my Naomi, the student who was assisting me with getting the venue for the leadership training workshop that the room she was officially working on RSVPing was not available anymore and thus I had to look for another venue. Looking for another venue, means I had to pay for the venue, projector and even the person who showed me the room/venue. I was so surprised that gratuity had to be done everywhere, even in places when it was the person's job to open the door for example. It made me realize how my country has changed so much, the "socialism" attitude, such that we are all together in this has started to take another form. Monetary rewards, or money has been the mover of things, not merely good ideas. I had to do what I had to do,in order to secure the venue and the projector.
After securing the venue on Friday afternoon, I contacted students who had registered for the leadership training workshop via sms and informed them about the place where the workshop is going to be held and the start and ending time, which was 9:00am until 2:00 pm. I was then left with bites and drinks for the day. I arranged to get the bites and drinks delivered to the venue on Saturday morning.

The morning of the 11th of July, the guest speakers and students arrived as expected. The workshop started with introduction (getting to know you), followed by a power point presentation that was given by me, guest speakers talk Regia Elastus and Mama Gemma Akilimali and Q and A session.

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